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title: MySQL · RocksDB · Write Prepared Policy
早期RocksDB TransactionDB将事务的更新操作都缓存在WriteBatch中,事务提交时才写WAL和memtable。RocksDB支持二阶段提交(2PC)后,在prepare阶段写WAL, WriteBatch写memtable依然在commit阶段。这种方式的优点是,事务隔离性比较好,当前事务看不见其它事务的未提交数据, 事务的可见性仅通过sequence大小即可判断,参考 , 另外事务回滚也比较简单,只需要释放WriteBatch即可。
针对TransactionDB的以上缺点, rocksdb引入了新的提交策略(write policy), 共有以下write policy
即原有的方式,提交时才会写WriteBatch, 默认为WRITE_COMMITTED方式.
prepare阶段写WAL, 并且写memtable
commit阶段写commit标记到WAL。 WritePrepared方式减轻了提交的操作,但并不能解大事务的问题。WritePrepared方式减轻了提交的操作,同时也能解大事务的问题。
WritePrepared方式在prepare阶段写memtable时会分配sequece, 设为prepare_seq, prepare_seq会存储到记录上。同时提交时会记录一个sequence, 设为commit_seq,commit_seq并不存在记录上,通过commit_seq可判断记录可见性。
snapshot > commit_seq, 此记录可见
对于下图中,设记录的key是唯一的,对于snapshot=8来说,R1, R2两个记录是可见的,因为R1,R2的commit_seq都小于8。而R3,R4,R5的commit_seq都大于8,所以R3,R4,R5是不可见的。
每个事务开始时, 获取当前已经开启但未提交的事务列表,称之为read_view. 在rocksdb中read_view为prepare_seq的集合, 其中min_seq 为read_view中的最小sequence, max_seq为readview中的最大sequence.
上例中read_view = {4,5}, min_seq=4, max_seq=5
这种方式不需要commit_seq. 但每个事务都需要维护read_view.
innodb 的可见性就是通过此规则来实现的
上例中commit_cache = {<1,2>, <4,9>,<5,10>,<6,7>, <11,12> }
rocksdb WritePrepared的实现折中了以上两种方式。先介绍WritePrepared引入的一些数据结构
delayed_prepared_在commit时也会踢除, 小于max_evicted_seq_的未提交事务都在delayed_prepared_中
Commitcache发生evict时[pre_seq,commit], 存在某个snapshot, 如果满足prepare_seq < snapshot < commit_seq, 这个prepare_seq会加入old_commit_map_. 也就是说old_commit_map_只存储哪些被evict的事务,对应某些snapshot来说是不可见的。
事务提交ReleaseSnapshotInternal时从old_commit_map_移除事务可见性判断以max_evicted_seq_为界, prepare_seq小于等于max_evicted_seq_时按第一种方式处理, prepare_seq大于max_evicted_seq_时按第二种方式处理。
WritePrepared 可见性判断还是比较高效的
prepare_seq < min_uncommitted可以快速判断可见 min_uncommitted 和max_evicted_seq_之间, 未提交的在delayed_prepared_不可见,提交的有一部分在commit_cache,前面已判断。 > 另一部分提交的已evict掉,通过Snapshot > max_evicted_seq_ 可以快速判断可见。 最后的就通过old_commit_map_来判断prepare_seq是否在某个live snapshot中这种方式对长事务不友好,如果有一个很老的事务未提交,那么min_uncommitted 和max_evicted_seq_之前的区间会比较大,判断就比较低效
如果commit_cache比较大_(默认8M个entry), 且都是短事务的场景,这样基本可以保证新开启事务的Snapshot > max_evicted_seq, 有这个条件就不需要去判断old_commit_map_。
inline bool IsInSnapshot(uint64_t prep_seq, uint64_t snapshot_seq, uint64_t min_uncommitted = 0) const { ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS(info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " min_uncommitted %" PRIu64, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, min_uncommitted); // Here we try to infer the return value without looking into prepare list. // This would help avoiding synchronization over a shared map. // TODO(myabandeh): optimize this. This sequence of checks must be correct // but not necessary efficient if (prep_seq == 0) { // Compaction will output keys to bottom-level with sequence number 0 if // it is visible to the earliest snapshot. ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 1); return true; } if (snapshot_seq < prep_seq) { // snapshot_seq < prep_seq <= commit_seq => snapshot_seq < commit_seq ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 0); return false; } if (!delayed_prepared_empty_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { // We should not normally reach here WPRecordTick(TXN_PREPARE_MUTEX_OVERHEAD); ReadLock rl(&prepared_mutex_); ROCKS_LOG_WARN(info_log_, "prepared_mutex_ overhead %" PRIu64, static_cast(delayed_prepared_.size())); if (delayed_prepared_.find(prep_seq) != delayed_prepared_.end()) { // Then it is not committed yet ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS(info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 0); return false; } }// Note: since min_uncommitted does not include the delayed_prepared_ we // should check delayed_prepared_ first before applying this optimization. // TODO(myabandeh): include delayed_prepared_ in min_uncommitted if (prep_seq < min_uncommitted) { ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS(info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32 " because of min_uncommitted %" PRIu64, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 1, min_uncommitted); return true; } auto indexed_seq = prep_seq % COMMIT_CACHE_SIZE; CommitEntry64b dont_care; CommitEntry cached; bool exist = GetCommitEntry(indexed_seq, &dont_care, &cached); if (exist && prep_seq == cached.prep_seq) { // It is committed and also not evicted from commit cache ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, cached.commit_seq <= snapshot_seq); return cached.commit_seq <= snapshot_seq; } // else it could be committed but not inserted in the map which could happen // after recovery, or it could be committed and evicted by another commit, // or never committed. // At this point we dont know if it was committed or it is still prepared auto max_evicted_seq = max_evicted_seq_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); // max_evicted_seq_ when we did GetCommitEntry <= max_evicted_seq now if (max_evicted_seq < prep_seq) { // Not evicted from cache and also not present, so must be still prepared ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 0); return false; }// When advancing max_evicted_seq_, we move older entires from prepared to // delayed_prepared_. Also we move evicted entries from commit cache to // old_commit_map_ if it overlaps with any snapshot. Since prep_seq <= // max_evicted_seq_, we have three cases: i) in delayed_prepared_, ii) in // old_commit_map_, iii) committed with no conflict with any snapshot. Case // (i) delayed_prepared_ is checked above if (max_evicted_seq < snapshot_seq) { // then (ii) cannot be the case // only (iii) is the case: committed // commit_seq <= max_evicted_seq_ < snapshot_seq => commit_seq < // snapshot_seq ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 1); return true; } // else (ii) might be the case: check the commit data saved for this // snapshot. If there was no overlapping commit entry, then it is committed // with a commit_seq lower than any live snapshot, including snapshot_seq. if (old_commit_map_empty_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 1); return true; } { // We should not normally reach here unless sapshot_seq is old. This is a // rare case and it is ok to pay the cost of mutex ReadLock for such old, // reading transactions. WPRecordTick(TXN_OLD_COMMIT_MAP_MUTEX_OVERHEAD); ROCKS_LOG_WARN(info_log_, "old_commit_map_mutex_ overhead"); ReadLock rl(&old_commit_map_mutex_); auto prep_set_entry = old_commit_map_.find(snapshot_seq); bool found = prep_set_entry != old_commit_map_.end(); if (found) { auto& vec = prep_set_entry->second; found = std::binary_search(vec.begin(), vec.end(), prep_seq); } if (!found) { ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS(info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 1); return true; } } // (ii) it the case: it is committed but after the snapshot_seq ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS( info_log_, "IsInSnapshot %" PRIu64 " in %" PRIu64 " returns %" PRId32, prep_seq, snapshot_seq, 0); return false;}
事务可见性的判断会用到数据的读取和compaction过程中的数据是否存在live snapshot上面。
以prepare_seq-1为snapshot开启事务,如果查找不到,说明之前是第一次插入key, 则通过Delete回滚。如果存在老值,则用老值覆盖来回滚。
s = db_->GetImpl(roptions, cf_handle, key, &pinnable_val, ¬_used, &callback); assert(s.ok() || s.IsNotFound()); if (s.ok()) { s = rollback_batch_->Put(cf_handle, key, pinnable_val); assert(s.ok()); } else if (s.IsNotFound()) { // There has been no readable value before txn. By adding a delete we // make sure that there will be none afterwards either. s = rollback_batch_->Delete(cf_handle, key); assert(s.ok()); } else { // Unexpected status. Return it to the user. }
WritePrepare方式减轻了事务提交的负担,但对事务可见性的处理也引入了复杂性,同时回滚动作的开销也比较大。rocksdb对事务可见性的判断也做了很多优化,比如使用了很多lock-free算法等。而对于MySQL 2pc来说回滚并不多,一般发生在crash recover的时候,因此,回滚的开销也不用太在意。